Breath in

Inspiration /ˈɪnspəˌreɪʃən/ (Noun) :

“A breathing in or infusion of some idea, purpose, etc. into the mind; the suggestion, awakening, or creation of some feeling or impulse, especially of an exalted kind” -

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  • An amazing book written by true experts on Creativity (the founders of IDEO). It aims to help us regain our Creative Confidence, both at work and in our personal lives.

    Loaded with tips, business cases, and practical exercises, it is a must-read for all of us who are committed to keep our creative muscles strong and inspire others to do the same.

  • We are all born creatives. We tend to lose that creative confidence along the way, but as adults it is our duty to maintain or rediscover that pure faith in our ideas, and our capacity to act on them.

    Engaging in a continuous process of experimentation and honing the soft and hard skills required to make this habit fruitful and engaging can be challenging, but really enjoyable as well.

  • “The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will… pop up the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it, that’s maybe the most important thing… once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. “

    “At s core, creative confidence is about believngin your ability to create change in the world around you. It is the conviction that you can achieve what you set out to do”

  • Leadership, Identity, Psychology, Prototyping, Cognitive Neuroscience, Organizational Culture, Karaoke Confidence, Collaboration, Innovation Management

  • This book is a collection of advice and doses of encouragement written by a very empathetic, humorous, and inspiring author. Open this book whenever you need a wise and fresh pep talk

  • Don't forget we are humans. Everything is a process, show up to your calling and be compassionate.

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  • human - creative blocks - vulnerability, heartwarming

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  • Our physical surroundings can influence our emotional responses and general state of mind much more than we tend to think. Ingrid Fetell rigorously studied the ways in which the visual qualities of objects and the general aesthetics of spaces we spend time on can help us ignite moments of joy. make us feel more energized, inspire play or generate a sense of harmony. All of these are emotional states that nurture Creativity.

  • Taking care of our physical world , the design, the look and feel ot our material surroundings is an important component of nurturin our creative impulses. Westend to link “creativity” to the act of doing. But in order to DO or act in a certain way, we often need to FEEL a certain way. The way we feel influences the what, how, when and why we create things and our surroundings influence the ways we feel. We can enrich our inner. world by curating and designing our outer world.

  • In the cult of productivity and efficiency that rules our waking houea, magic seems like a luxury, much ike daydreaming o play. But far from being a diversion, it’s often a catalyst for discovery”

  • Design, Interior Design, Culture, Research, Emotions

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  • Inspirational and full of liberating insights about the creative journey . Down to earth advice.Inspired by the creative process of artists , but definitely a book that can be inspiring and useful for everyone.

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  • In order to be able to maintain a company in a continuous process of innovation, having people with creative mindsets is not quite enough. In this book, Pisano teaches us about the importance and fundamentals of having an innovation strategy, designing a system for it, and sustaining the right culture for this whole system to thrive

  • Strategizing and having a map to navigate and make decisions during innovation processes is just as important as fostering a creative mindset among your team.

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  • Innovation management, Innovation portfolio, organizational culture

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  • In case you hadn’t realized yet, our emotions and the way we handle them or relate to them can propel or block us in our personal processes. Getting awareness of our own behavioral patterns and psychological biases, can help us move with intention. This book invites you to be agile and embrace change in your life. It provides ideas to reflect on an habits to straighten your emotional intelligence and emotional agility.

  • “Our consumer culture promotes the idea that we can control and fix most of the thing bothering us , and that we should toss o replace the things we can’t…”

  • Heuristicics - Emotional intelligence - bottling - brooding

  • Creativity is not just a process of coming up with new ideas; actual doing and making are required to generate real impact and build creative momentum. This book is purposeful and practical, providing you with simple tips to help you organize and streamline your life, one day at a time

  • There are better ways to set a to-do list

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  • productivity, organization, intentionality, purpose

  • We live in a society that strongly praises extroversion. Particularl in the last decades, we’ve been putting extra effort on building work environments that favor constant social interaction and collective thinking. Although, collaboration and extroverts are precious elements in our society, we have have missed to see the power and necessity of introversion, introspection, sensitivity and isolated work. With scientific data and real case studies Susan cain urges us to understand and embrace Introversion, and challenges our ideas about character and introversioo n many realms, including on how to boost Creavitivity in the workplace.

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  • Personality, leadership,

  • In my experience, the most impactful books are often those that reveal something we may be struggling to accept or understand. This book was precisely that for me, eye-opening and transformative. It made it crystal clear that in order to fuel our creative power, finding (and accepting) our Element is essential.

  • Each of us is absolutely unique, and our journey to unveil our creative potential requires mastering the arts of self-discovery and self-acceptance. By clearly identifying and understanding our interests, innate talents, and passions, we can set ourselves to harness our creative abilities and achieving fulfillment.

  • Education, Inspiration, Flow, Passion, Innate Skills, Calling

  • Item description
  • human - creative blocks - vulnerability, heartwarming


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